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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dallas County Commissioner Tells Citizens, 'All Of You Are White! Go To Hell!'...


DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Tuesday’s Dallas County Commissioner’s Court meeting erupted into an argument between Commissioner John Wiley Price and a citizen, ending with Price repeatedly telling several citizens to “go to hell.”

The exchange started during the public speaking portion of the meeting, which happens after the commissioners have gone through their weekly agenda.

Six citizens addressed the court. All of them talked about the recent controversial departure of county Elections Administrator Bruce Sherbet.  Sherbet, who was the Elections Administrator for 24 years, said he felt Price and Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins forced him out.

The last public speaker at Tuesday’s meeting, Jeff Turner, began by stating that he would refer to “a certain member of the court” — Price — as “the Chief Mulllah of Dallas County.”

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines “mullah” as “a Muslim learned in Islamic theology and sacred law.”

Turner continued speaking, ignoring Price’s ongoing interruptions.

At that point, Jenkins adjourned the meeting.

As Price stood to leave, he looked at Turner and the five other citizens who addressed the court. Price said to them, “All of you are white.  Go to hell!”

Price repeated “go to hell” three more times. An unknown member of the audience said, “You should be ashamed!”

“I’m not ashamed!” Price answered. “I’m not ashamed! Go to hell!”

Many more audio clips with Jeff Turner explaining why he called Price "Chief Mullah" and also Price's interpretation of the term follow the link here.


  1. Must have been very offended by the term mullah...

  2. Let's all go to hell, and have a barbeque party!

  3. Hmm not the cleverest of things to say in court! thanks for sharing!

  4. I'll join you down there elexerdelex, have to grab my red tunic first.

    Good post, very contraversial! Keep it up

  5. . . .ugh. Racism comes in all forms

  6. I blame the whiteys here, sounds like they were deliberately invoking the race card. Besides, change is good for a government position, 24 years is long enough.

  7. Some people get wound up about the stupidest things...

  8. I wish we could all put aside our differences and go toward a common good. Earth's resources are running out.
